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lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Guia Profesion Joyeria (1 - 450) Materiales en Ingles

Esta Guía de Joyería te muestra la forma más rápida de subir tu profesión de Joyero del nivel 1 al 450.

La mejor combinación para subir tu Joyería es tener como profesión también la Minería, puedes visitar nuestra Guía de Minería. Otra opción es combinar con Encantamiento, así poder romper los objetos que fabriques y vender los materiales resultantes. Por contra siendo minero te ahorrarás comprar muchos materiales para joyería pero tardarás más.

Materiales necesarios Materials needed

100 x Copper Bar
020 x Ojo de tigre or Malachite
120 x Bronze Bar (ie 60 bar copper and 60 tin bar )
060 x Shadow Gem
080 x Heavy Stone
030 x Moss Agate
160 x Mithril Bar
025 x Citrine
020 x Truesilver Bar
005 x Aquamarine
060 x Thorium Bar
015 x Star Ruby
020 x Large Opal
010 x Powerful Mojo
010 x Essence of Earth
020 x Esmeralda huge
015 x black diamond
055 x Gems of the following. Wait to buy until you get to that part of the guide.
052 x Adamantite particles (260 Adamantite Ore )
013 x Primal Earth
013 x Adamantite Bar
070 x Gems of the following. At least you will have 5 Bloodstone, Chalcedony 3, 3 and 3 Crystal Jades Dark Shadows because you will need.
046 x Earth Eternal
007 x Emerald Forest
028 x Diamond Skyflare or 28 Earthsiege Diamond
001 x Frozen Orb

Aprendiz Joyero 1 - 50 Apprentice Jeweler 1-50

First you have to visit your professional instructor and learn Jeweler Apprentice.
1 to 30
30 x Delicate Copper Wire (60 x Copper Bar ). Keep them as the need later.

20 x Tiger Eye Ring (20 x Eye of Tiger , 20 x Delicate Copper Wire )

Oficial Joyero 50 - 150 Official Jeweler 50-150

To continue we need to visit our Official jeweler and learning instructor.
50 x Crimp Brass (100 x Bronze Bar ). Keep them as the need later

20 x Ring Glow (20 x Crimp Brass , 40 x Delicate Copper Wire , 40 x Jewel of Darkness )
10 x Ring of Twilight Shadows (20 x Bronze Bar , 20 x Jewel of Darkness )
10 x Heavy Stone Statue (80 x Heavy Stone )
30 x Pendant of the Agate Shield (30 x Moss Agate , 30 x Crimp Brass ). The sketch is sold Jandia in Thousand Needles (if you're Horde) and Neal Allen in the Wetlands (if you're Alliance).

Experto Joyero 150-200 Jewelry Expert 150-200

Give your instructor a few coins to allow you to learn expert jeweler.
55 x Mithril Filigree (110 x Mithril Bar ). Keep them as the need later.

20 x Truesilver Ring engraving (20 x Truesilver Bar , 40 x Mithril Filigree )

Artesano Joyero 200-300 Artisan Jewelry 200-300

Oddly enough, the instructors do not end up lining our coast, so visit your trainer and learn Artisan Jewelry.
25 x Citrine Ring of Rapid Healing (25 x Citrine 40 x Mithril Bar )
5 x Aquamarine Pendant of the Warrior (5 x Aquamarine 15 x Mithril Filigree )
60 x Thorium Setting (60 x Thorium Bar ). If you get to level 245 before, do not need to do more. But perhaps you need them later.

15 x Ruby Pendant of Fire (15 x Star Ruby , 15 x Thorium Setting )
20 x simple opal ring (20 x Large Opal , 20 x Thorium Setting )
10 x Ring of attack (10 x Thorium Setting , 10 x Powerful Mojo , 10 x Essence of Earth )
10 x Emerald Lion Ring (20 x Emerald huge , 10 x Thorium Setting )

Maestro Joyero 300-350 Master Jeweler 300-350

See your instructor in a city or in Northrend and learn Master Jeweler
From here, level up is a little more arbitrary, because the recipes are yellow and you may need 5 and 10 ...
300-315 15 x sparkling black diamond (15 x black diamond )
These recipes are the yellow learn so it is recommended you do a 20 (or up to the level 320) of any of these gems:
Make 5 to 7 of these gems:
13 x Mercurial Adamantite (52 x Adamantite particles, 13 x Primal Earth ). Keep them as the need later Do some of these gems to reach level 335:
Go between 5 and 7 gems of the following:
The following recipes will learn in the Hellfire Peninsula. Search for Kalaen in Thrallmar or Tatiana in Honor Hold or Geba'li in Borean Tundra and Ounhulo in Howling Fjord

  • 340-350
    13 x Heavy Adamantite Ring (13 x Adamantite Bar 13 x Adamantite mercurial )

  • Gran Maestro Joyero 350-450 Grand Master Jeweler 350-450

    Go to Northrend to a good instructor learns jewelry and Grand Master Jeweler
    Size about 55 gems of the following, from level 375 recipes are yellow so they may need more. The coach can learn all the recipes and carving one and the other or, being practical and Tallal learns to climb a desired level:
    Make 5 of these rings or necklace, your choice:
    23 x Ring guardapiedra (46 x Earth Eternal )
    7 x Dazzling Forest Emerald (7 x Forest Emerald )
    Meta gems size 15, as before, you can focus on one or make several different ones. In Dalaran looking for Tiffany Cartier for some recipes:
    15 x Diamante Skyflare or 15 x Diamante Earthsiege
    1 x Prisma ice cream (1 x Frozen Orb , 3 x Chalcedon , 3 x glass shades , 3 x Dark Jade )
    Meta gems full size to the level 450 - about 13 or 14 Skyflare Diamond or Diamond Earthsiege

    1 comentario:

    1. no c donde conseguir el Skyflare Diamond y el Diamond Earthsiege nuevo en esta profesion una =)
